Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism (BMTA) 2024
The XXVI edition will be held from Thursday, October 31st to Sunday, November 3rd, 2024, at the Next, the old Tobacco Factory.

The Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism (BMTA) returns to Paestum, the reference trade fair for history, culture, and travel enthusiasts. The 26th edition is scheduled from Thursday, October 31st to Sunday, November 3rd, 2024, and will take place at the Next ex Tabacchificio, the archaeological area, the National Museum, and the Basilica.
An international stage for archaeological tourism Organized by the Campania Region, the City of Capaccio Paestum, and the Archaeological Park of Paestum and Velia, the Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Exchange is recognized as a best practice by the UN's international governmental organizations for culture and tourism, UNESCO, and UNWTO. The Exchange represents a meeting point for professionals in the sector, enthusiasts, and curious people from all over the world.
The numbers of the Mediterranean Exchange of Archaeological Tourism. The event is a successful format, as evidenced by the numbers: 8,500 visitors, 160 exhibitors from 18 foreign countries, 150 conferences and meetings with 600 moderators and speakers in 6 simultaneous rooms, 30 buyers between Europeans and nationals, 140 suppliers, 150 journalists.
Enhancing cultural heritage and promoting the territory The primary objective of the BMTA is to enhance Archaeological Parks and Museums, promoting highly attractive tourist destinations and facilitating the commercialization of cultural heritage. A commitment that translates into a concrete contribution to de-seasonalization, increasing economic opportunities and employment effects linked to archaeological tourism.
An edition full of events and novelties The XXVI edition of the BMTA promises to be an edition full of events and novelties. Ample space will be dedicated to conferences, meetings, and debates with authoritative speakers from the national and international scene. There will be moments of reflection on current issues related to cultural tourism, the fruition, management, and enhancement of cultural heritage.
The sections ArcheoExperience, the Experimental Archaeology Workshops for the dissemination of the techniques used by man to create everyday objects; ArcheoIncoming, a space for national tour operators specializing in archaeological tourism in the Exhibition Hall and at the Workshop and presentation of destinations; ArcheoIncontri for press conferences and presentations of cultural and territorial development projects; ArcheoLavoro, post-diploma and post-graduate orientation organized by Universities; ArcheoStartup, presentation of new businesses for innovation in cultural tourism and the enhancement of cultural heritage; ArcheoVirtual, Workshop and Multimedia Exhibition focused on digital applications and virtual archaeology projects in collaboration with ISPC Institute of Science of Cultural Heritage of the CNR; Conferences, in which Governmental and Category Organizations, Institutions and Local Authorities, Cultural and Professional Associations confront each other on the promotion of cultural tourism, enhancement, management, and fruition of heritage; Meetings with the Protagonists, the general public with the most famous cultural Disseminators, Archaeologists, Museum Directors, Academics, Journalists.
Awards and recognitions The BMTA will also be an opportunity to award prestigious prizes and recognitions International Archaeological Discovery Award "Khaled al-Asaad", the Award for the archaeological discovery of the year named after the archaeologist, former Director of the Palmyra site; Premio "Antonella Fiammenghi", for the best thesis on archaeological tourism or on the BMTA; Premio "Paestum Mario Napoli", to those who contribute to the enhancement of heritage and intercultural dialogue; Premio "Sebastiano Tusa", for underwater archaeological discovery, career, exhibition with international scientific value, the most innovative project, and journalistic contribution in terms of dissemination; Targa "Claudio Mocchegiani Carpano", for the best thesis on underwater archaeology; A visit to the BMTA is completed with the possibility of participating in free guided tours of the archaeological sites of Paestum and Velia, true jewels of Mediterranean archaeology. In addition, a 4,000 sqm Exhibition Hall will host the proposals of tourist-archaeological destinations from all over the world. For more information on the 26th edition of the Mediterranean Archaeological Tourism Exchange, please visit the official website: